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Gypsy's Hot Romance☼

Romance novels, all sub genre's from Erotica to Classics.  Give me a HEA or even HFN and it is all good.


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 If you are from GR, you may know me better as Sunny.  A happy Canadian.

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W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton

W is for Wasted (Kinsey Millhone, #23) - Sue Grafton

Ms. Grafton has done it yet again.  The wait was well worth it. 


For the first time the overall tone was low key.  The mayhem happens to others, not to Kinsey.  Well, almost.  This is very intentional.  The book is about the homeless.  They are low-key and fade into the background, but are people too.


Two bodies.  Intertwining tales. Little black dress.  Henry. Dietz. and something that will change her life as we have known it.


The book is well titled.  It is poignant.  The thought "What a Waste." cannot be held at bay.

An excellent read and recommended. 



Slightly Sinful by Mary Balogh

Slightly Sinful - Mary Balogh

This book is unforgettable.  Our hero is badly wounded in battle and comes to at a brothel with a beautiful woman nursing him back to health. Love this sinario and this book is the mold.

Against The Mark (#9 Raines of Wind Canyon) By Kat Martin

Against the Mark - Kat Martin

A fast paced, multifaceted Romance suspense novel.  The series has me well and truly hooked and I have read them all.


This book features newer characters Haley Warren, (mansion owners niece)  and Ty Brodie, the new partner.  The story is about solving Haley's estranged father's murder and tracking stolen works of art. 


As is typical of Martin's books, the heroine is no wimp.  She has her own bag of tricks to bring to the table to help solve the crime.


I had a bit of trouble bonding with the characters.  They seemed to remain at arm's length for me.  Both beautiful, intelligent, active characters who grew to love each other.  I wonder if it is Brodie's history that would not let me bring him completely into my heart?


You will not be disappointed with this book.  It is a page turner and many things are not predicable.  Surprises continue right up to the epilogue. 



Theirs To Keep - #1 Tangled Hearts Trilogy- By Maya Banks

Theirs to Keep (Tangled Hearts Trilogy, #1) - Maya Banks

It looks to be another great trilogy by Maya Banks.  This series follows hard on the heels of her Breathless Series.  Tangled Hearts series is a ménage series however not the BDSM Of the Breathless series.


The Premise- Two security guards find a woman curled in a cupboard in a gun shop.  She is badly beaten, hungry, dirty and has amnesia.  She refuses, in a very wild state, to allow police or medical intervention.


By the end of this first book, her amnesia is only partially gone.  She has married her two men Cade and Merrick and is beginning and loving, a whole new life. 


Merrick is a Martial arts fighter, Cade is a security business owner and Ella is ... Ella. 

Banks does have a few spicy scenes in the book but the lion's share is telling a very action packed story.  When you finish the book you realize that it had to be that way to set up for the two books to follow.  You don't however notice this as you read.  You just don't get a minute to take a breath.


I get the feeling that this trilogy may be like Breathless also in the fact that the first book of the series is very good, but the least favourite.   The best is yet to come.


I am hooked.  This is a must series for me.

Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover #3) By Lori Foster

Getting Rowdy - Lori Foster

Rowdy Yates had endeared himself to me in the previous books but the opening chapter hit me between the eyes.  Although the character was realistic in his trust issues and commitment issues there were times when it just seemed stretched too thin.


Avery Mullins a bit of a bitch at times, likeable at others.  Her story was not only forced it was contradictory and out in left field .  This was not Foster's norm for me in writing.  Perhaps she was ill or an upset happened in her life, but just not her usual par for me.


Pepper did her best to help out the interest but even that didn't do it for me.  Just an average book.  I will think twice before following on with the series.

Tell Me (One Night with Sole Regret #6) by Olivia Cunning

Tell Me - Olivia Cunning

Two nights with Gabe and Melanie.  Both of these characters were hot, lovable and entertaining.  Gabe's gadgets entertain where mentioned, but used  only -  just enough.  We finally find out what Gabe's sole regret is.  Poor guy.



Nikki is for sale cheap.  She is the clingy girlfriend of Melanie and she frankly drove me around the bend.  I was glad when finally for at least a few chapters Gabe and Melanie had some time to themselves.


More facets were added to each of the characters and good news....Gabe is a dog lover.  The highlight of the book were his two pets and how they related to Melanie and to Gabe. 


As usual the book was a page turner and very difficult to put down.  Read in only a few sittings.  Loved it and I will be continuing on with this series.

Duke of Midnight (Maiden Lane #6) by Elizabeth Hoyt

Duke of Midnight - Elizabeth Hoyt

The Ghost of St. Giles strikes yet again. 


The appeal of this series is beginning to wear off for me.  That's a shame.  The story is well thought out and beautifully written as usual.  This author knows how to weave a tale.


Unfortunately Maximus Batten is your stereotype stuffed shirt Duke too full of himself to be likeable for the first half of the book.  In contrast Artemis Greaves is a sweetheart, stuck putting up with her lot but manages to keep her whit and humour in times that would have me running for the door.


The squalor of Bedlam was hard to read even though I am guessing in actuality it had been much worse than described.  Her twin brother Apollo stole the spot light in my opinion.  Loved the man and felt so sorry for him.


In the end the book sprang to life and was exciting, passionate and a page turner.  For me however that was too little too late.

Hot Secrets: A Dangerous Lover - Lisa Marie Rice Novella

Hot Secrets: A Dangerous Lover Novella - Lisa Marie Rice

Jack has a deep passion and concern for his wife and is teaching her self defense.  It comes in handy when a class of young needy children are attacked by a very nasty step father.


  A face paced short story that had everything a romance novel requires.  Forty five pages of high impact.

Lick- Stage Dive #1 by Kylie Scott

Lick - Kylie Scott

What a wonderful surprise.

This book is written by an author new to me but came highly recommended by several friends who knew I enjoy Rock Star types of books.


It was a page turner that I stayed up most of the night to read. David and Evelyn start off married, on page one, in a most unusual fashion in that she does not remember it happening. 


Stardom, and a bumpy past for the hero and lack of experience or self awareness for the heroine weave and twist through the story in both positive and negative ways.  Both realize love alone will not hold the marriage together and some soul searching and separation is needed by both.  


A beautifully written book with very likable characters, a good energy through out and a need to know that drives you through to the last page with force.  Oh and by the way, very very hot and passionate in all the right places.  


Recommended and this series will be followed by me.

Heart of Danger- Ghost Ops #1- by Lisa Marie Rice

Heart of Danger  - Lisa Marie Rice

This new series In My Opinion is a winner.  Mat is the alpha hero with the scarred face and sole, brooding eyes and heart. Catherine is the specially gifted scientist that could be the perfect person to make a huge difference in Mat's life in so many ways.


The Ghost ops are divided and scattered.  Some are hiding away in a mountain.  Rice has created such an imaginative community with all the bells and whistles anyone could hope for, for these hideaways.  The rest of the special Ghost Ops unit are either dead or betrayingly soaking up the sun on an island...or not.


The villian is a very twisted Lee, with plans for power and military perfection. He lives and continues his evil thoughts which include Dr. Catherine Young...once she is found, at the end of the book.


The supporting characters who will very probably have a book of their own in the future are also extemely hot and intelligent.  Just the right amount of angst, passion and plot building. There was  touch too much pensive thought on Catherine's part that goes no where and really isn't needed. Do I really care why her school friends all wore glasses? For that reason this isn't the five star that I wanted to give


.  A wonderful read for those who like contemporary military style suspense.

Dream Lake-Friday Harbor, #3- by Lisa Kleypas

Dream Lake - Lisa Kleypas

Even the most beautiful people have serious problems in life.  Zoe is a curvasious woman that shies away from most men who have the wrong idea about how easy she must be.   Alex was so neglected in childhood without any positive role model to help,that his view of life is greatly jaded and pessimistic.


The story also deals with an aging grandmother with dimentia, a lost ghost who doesn't know his name and a drop dead gorgeous guy with a serious drinking problem. 

The book is well researched, well written and serious problems are fairly dealt with but lightly refered to, so that the story is never dragged down but infact added to by these storylines.


The characters are real, their pessimism and optimism off set each other and Zoe and Alex in the end are perfect for each other. 

Every book in this series is different but linked.  Each book well written and a delight to read.  Can not wait for Justine's story with witch craft in Crystal Lake.

About Last Night by Ruthie Knox

About Last Night - Ruthie Knox

Bad girl makes good, rich boy grows balls. A fantastic book full of humor, sensitivity and a look at life through many sets of eyes.

Cath had a mental image of how she wanted to be but just couldn't measure up because of the frequent setbacks life threw at her.  She termed her response to many of these setbacks, mistakes and found a way to premanently remember never to make them again.  She calls herself from the past the old Cath and now for two years she has been the new Cath.  Another diversion is set in her path in the form of an artistic rich banker boy.  His family is wealthy and the demands they make of him often unrealistic.  Nev has always coasted. 

Cath has always bounced back more determined than ever to succeed.  A lie, revelation and deception shakes both of their worlds to the ground and Cath runs yet again but as always more determined then ever to get her life in order.  Neville finally sees his life through her eyes and doesn't like what he sees. He finally decides to run all of his life, not just parts, the way he wants to live and that includes his wild and intelligent Cath.

Cherished -Delicious Series #1- by Maya Banks

Cherished - Maya Banks, Lauren Dane

This book also contains a fantastic bonus called Sway by Lauren Dane.  The book is the first one in a new series called Delicious. This review is only for the first book Cherished.

The story for Cherished of of a young girl (18) who is working many jobs to pay for her mother's medications.  One job is as gardener assistant to the royal family of a small coastal country.  As she stumbles it is the royal prince who helps her.  Infatuation at first sight.

Prince Alexander or Xander as he prefers then pays for mother's bills and puts Talia through university.  When she graduates she comes to him in excile on a paradise island.  His three bodyguards Nico, Garon and Sebastian like Xander all fall for her sweetness and fiestness right away.  Prince of course shares with his friends and guards.

Oh, By the Way, Talia is a virgin, or should I say was. There is a touch of Dom/sub but only slight. and definately hot group passion.

After three months in paradise, Talia's life goes to hell in a handbasket.  Her world is shattered.  But of course the gorgeous hot prince eventually sets the world straight.

This is a must read in my opinion for lovers of group sex and for followers of Banks or Dane. The book certainly provides bang for the buck.  pun intended.

Wolf Hills.(Brotherhood of Blood #6) by Bianca D'Arc

Wolf Hills - Bianca D'Arc

I had not read the other books in the Brotherhood of Blood Series but this book was not effected and could be a stand alone.


  Jason is the strong Alpha of the local pack who has joined forces with the Vampires in the area.  Carly is Sally's best friend.  Carly is mated to a Vampire and Sally thinks she is human.  As the story unfolds she discovers she has a touch of Werewolf blood, but even more forest magic.  Sally discovers a relative she didn't know existed and hears about more relatives she wants to find.


An instant attraction to Jason grows quickly and passionately into erotic, loving and respectful partnership and mating.  Both characters are developed to the point of really liking each of them.  Although Jason is Alpha through and through he is able to see Sally as a partner not an inferior.  Loved the book. Plot, passion and people all well done.

Rock the Heart- (Black Falcon Series, #1) - by Michelle A. Valentine

Rock the Heart (Black Falcon, #1) - Michelle A. Valentine

  A YA with a good story but too many immature decisions and activities to hold my interest enough to further investigate the series. 


Noel Falcon is the lead singer and Lane, his childhood best friend, is the marketing agent signed on with the tour.   It had faint notes of Backstage Pass in one or two ways, but didn't hold a candle to that book. 


Lane seemed to be the only mature one of the bunch and at times I wondered about her.

The book did hold my attention to the end.  It very well may be enjoyed by a younger reader.  Just not my cup of tea.

The Christmas He Loved Her-Bad Boys of Crystal Lake, #2- Juliana Stone

The Christmas He Loved Her (Bad Boys of Crystal Lake, #2) - Juliana Stone

This series has a slightly different premise.  Four childhood male friends grow to manhood and one is killed overseas at war.  This series describes how the remaining members pull their lives back into some kind of order and then begin to move on.


This book is about the twin brother to the man killed.  To make matters worse, Jake has been in love with his deceased brother's wife Raine since the day she married his brother.


Raine was a bit of a bitch, perhaps rightly so, during the entire first half of the book and I almost put the book aside.  So glad I stayed with it.  The book handled some pretty heart wrenching issues in a true to life and touching way.  The ending was powerful.  This author knows the place of hugs and holding in a true romance and uses the embrace in a beautiful way.  Hugging, so often omitted in romance, made a huge impact here. 


Loved the book and love this series.  recommended