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Gypsy's Hot Romance☼

Romance novels, all sub genre's from Erotica to Classics.  Give me a HEA or even HFN and it is all good.


I tend to read only new release books.  Sometimes I get a bit behind and the book is now a month or two old but hey, so many books, so little time.


 If you are from GR, you may know me better as Sunny.  A happy Canadian.

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The Day He Kissed Her
Juliana Stone
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About Last Night by Ruthie Knox

About Last Night - Ruthie Knox

Bad girl makes good, rich boy grows balls. A fantastic book full of humor, sensitivity and a look at life through many sets of eyes.

Cath had a mental image of how she wanted to be but just couldn't measure up because of the frequent setbacks life threw at her.  She termed her response to many of these setbacks, mistakes and found a way to premanently remember never to make them again.  She calls herself from the past the old Cath and now for two years she has been the new Cath.  Another diversion is set in her path in the form of an artistic rich banker boy.  His family is wealthy and the demands they make of him often unrealistic.  Nev has always coasted. 

Cath has always bounced back more determined than ever to succeed.  A lie, revelation and deception shakes both of their worlds to the ground and Cath runs yet again but as always more determined then ever to get her life in order.  Neville finally sees his life through her eyes and doesn't like what he sees. He finally decides to run all of his life, not just parts, the way he wants to live and that includes his wild and intelligent Cath.