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Gypsy's Hot Romance☼

Romance novels, all sub genre's from Erotica to Classics.  Give me a HEA or even HFN and it is all good.


I tend to read only new release books.  Sometimes I get a bit behind and the book is now a month or two old but hey, so many books, so little time.


 If you are from GR, you may know me better as Sunny.  A happy Canadian.

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The Day He Kissed Her
Juliana Stone
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Hot Ticket: Sinners on Tour

Hot Ticket: Sinners on Tour (The Sinners on Tour) - Olivia Cunning What a trip! I loved the very handsome but disturbed Jace a great deal and could see him through Abbie's eyes very clearly. Abbie was beautiful, tough when she had to be and soft and loving when necessary.

The book would have been given a higher rating by me if for one thing. The words professional psychologist should have been mentioned somewhere. These two people were very lucky to find each other, but in my mind a bit of talking, pain and tears just can't fix the huge problems they both had. I became so attached to the characters, because it was so well written that I worried about them both and their future. Yes the book is fiction and everything is roses in fiction, but I felt that an eronious picture was illustrated and all would have been perfect with those two words.

The injured bus driver is the set up for Eric's story so the series would be upset if this book isn't read. In fact it is too good to miss. Just be warned, it will affect you in one way or another. It will haunt you.